Soaring Eagle
Spirit of the Wind

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I was raised as far into the country as one could get in New Jersey in the 1950’s. Some of my favorite memories involve walking or fishing by myself or with my father at a nearby brook. Even though my father passed away when I was eleven, I never felt alone during my continued explorations, and the woods remained my closest friend. My experiences in nature soon led to an affinity with earth-based pagan religions.

I met my wife Rita in 1978 during the course of a previous field service job. Rita introduced me to the earth-based Celtic ceremonial religions of Wicca. I found that Wicca validated my deeply felt spiritual beliefs. After studying Wicca, I felt there was something missing. I felt the need to reach back further than the early Celtic era and identify with something from our most ancient history. As I searched further, I came across Native American Shamanism. I have come to believe, “…shamanic practices are the reason we believe in an after-life at all.”

A critical aspect of shamanism, before and during journeys, is self-study. During the course of a journey, a shaman can see him or her self as no one else can, thus gaining important self-knowledge and confidence. “Shamanic practices require courage to accept what you see.”

These experiences is what led to my first novel, Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind. The style of Soaring Eagle is what separates it from other books on Shamanism. The lyrical and rhythmic prose of the novel allows the reader to be an intrinsic part of the unfolding story.

My second novel, The Familiar, is a recasting of the timeless beauty and the beast theme. Once more vivid imagery pulls the reader into the character's world of loneliness and emotional pain, and once more my unique view of the human experience bonds with an ability to weave a stunning tale in which love lasts forever and beauty is the beast.

Rita has since passed, but I have continued writing and publishing with the addition of a collection of four short stories titled, Blood, Sweat and Terror.

My forth novel, an ebook titled Arbalest, Legend of the Horn, has been published through Abbott Press. It is the story of an orphaned prince, an evil lord, a stallion of prophecy, and a weapon of magic. All vital components in a grand new tale of the imagination.

I have several other works in progress which will be completed and published in the near future.

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